Investment Banking - International Finance Institute Archive Archive
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Investment Banking

RBS to Split Its Investment Banking Division from Consumer-Facing Business

Major changes are about to happen in Royal Bank of Scotland’s investment banking divisions. The organization is about to rename its own investment bank as part of future plans to comply with “ringfencing” regulations. NatWest Markets’ renaming is designed to protect taxpayers from having to find solutions for bailing out a bank. Clients with more […]


How to land an investment banking interview?

Ready to start your career as an investment banker? Do you think you have it all sorted out? Before you land your first job, there is one more step. First you need to go through your job interview. To nail an investment banking interview, there are few tips you can consider beforehand.      Prepare Do your […]


Iconic Figures in Investment Banking

There is not a person who is interested in money and has never heard of few memorable names. These people have built a history upon money, power, smart moves and innovative approaches for the time they have been on the field. Who are the big players and who have managed to stay and keep on building the investment […]


3 Investment Banking Rules to Remember

The world of money is a complicated set of structures where the smartest and the most profound ones usually keep the ball rolling on their side of the field. However, the first rule of investment banking is very simple. The main objective of investment banking is the capital of the client. But before we dive […]


Congrats to our Singapore Investment Banking Class!!!

The International Finance Institute has just wrapped up another successful investment banking training class in Singapore. The feedback we’ve received has been phenomenal and our investment banking instructor, Hemant Jai said it was the most conversational and interactive class he’s ever had!  Therefore, we’ve elected to share some pictures of the class: The program begins […]


The History of Investment Banking

There are few job fields which inspire so much awe, respect and curiosity as investment banking. Despite the heavy hit the industry took during the financial crisis, investment banks undoubtedly still retain their appeal for those considering a career in finance. And it is no wonder since 2007 was not the first time that banks […]


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71 West 23rd Street
250 Yonge Street
Two Prudential Plaza
100 Pine Street
Oppenheimer Tower

IFI Europe

Hanover Square
+44 20 3468 5030
Mainzer Landstraße
+49 69 9579 8906
Business Centre OBC Suisse
+41 44 508 3376
Interpred, WTC
+359 2 489 0124

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137 Cecil Street
+65 3158 2044
Queen's Road
+852 3973 3924
N Mandela Sq
+27 11 568 2369
Bligh Centre
+61 29 119 2946

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