IB Locations | International Finance Institute Archive
71 West 23rd Street
250 Yonge Street
Two Prudential Plaza
100 Pine Street
Oppenheimer Tower
137 Cecil Street
+65 3158 2044
Queen's Road
+852 3973 3924
Hanover Square
+44 20 3468 5030
Mainzer Landstraße
+49 69 9579 8906
Business Centre OBC Suisse
+41 44 508 3376
Interpred, WTC
+359 2 489 0124
N Mandela Sq
+27 11 568 2369
Bligh Centre
+61 29 119 2946

IB Locations

Congrats to our Singapore Investment Banking Class!!!

The International Finance Institute has just wrapped up another successful investment banking training class in Singapore. The feedback we’ve received has been phenomenal and our investment banking instructor, Hemant Jai said it was the most conversational and interactive class he’s ever had!  Therefore, we’ve elected to share some pictures of the class: The program begins […]


Investment Banking in Sydney

When it comes to careers in finance, Sydney usually is not the first place that would pop into your head; a lot of investment bankers tend to overlook not just the city but the country as a whole in favor of either the classic New York or London, or more exotic locations such as Hong […]


Investment Banking in New York

When it comes to investment banking, perhaps the first city that is granted to come to one’s mind is New York. With Wall Street having become a synonym for the whole industry, it is hardly surprising that the city has been attracting the best investment bankers not only from every corner of the US but […]


Investment Banking in Hong Kong

While New York and London might be the most traditional locations one usually associates with investment banking, the fast-growing Asian economies and particularly China are necessitating geographically closer alternatives to Wall Street and the City. Those alternatives are Singapore, known as the “billionaire’s paradise”, and Hong Kong, whose location has turned it into one of […]


Investment Banking in London

London? To borrow a line from Guy Ritchie’s classic movie “Snatch”: “Yes, London, You know: fish, chips, cup ‘o tea, bad food, worse weather”… and some pretty good investment banking career options. Neck and neck with New York for the “finance capital of the world” title, London is one of the top locations out there […]


M&A Boom! 2014 on Pace to Set Record for Mergers

While the aftermath of the financial crisis can still be felt in some areas of the economy, global dealmaking seems to be on its way to full recovery in 2014, with the uptrend forecast to continue in 2015. More mergers and acquisitions are naturally good news for investment bankers– both incumbent and prospective – since […]


IFI North America

71 West 23rd Street
250 Yonge Street
Two Prudential Plaza
100 Pine Street
Oppenheimer Tower

IFI Europe

Hanover Square
+44 20 3468 5030
Mainzer Landstraße
+49 69 9579 8906
Business Centre OBC Suisse
+41 44 508 3376
Interpred, WTC
+359 2 489 0124

IFI World

137 Cecil Street
+65 3158 2044
Queen's Road
+852 3973 3924
N Mandela Sq
+27 11 568 2369
Bligh Centre
+61 29 119 2946

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