3 Investment Banking Rules to Remember
The world of money is a complicated set of structures where the smartest and the most profound ones usually keep the ball rolling on their side of the field. However, the first rule of investment banking is very simple. The main objective of investment banking is the capital of the client. But before we dive in deeper, you should first have an actual client.
- Make your client’s success your first priority
The core of the investment banking is the process of raising a capital for other organizations, companies or government entities. This requires a two-sided process of interaction, where one of the peers is your client and the other one is their best interest.
Having said that, it is your first priority to find the best solutions for your client and put it to work as soon as possible. Your client’s success shall be your own success.
- Do your homework
And by that, we mean learn the theoretical part and study the past. The golden rules of investment banking are based on occurring events, so the best way to learn how to put them to work, is to first ponder onto the chronological list of cases.
- Knowledge is not enough, so focus on experience
All successful investment banking transactions are based on in-depth analysis, but analysis is not enough. The more information you have, the more reliable prognosis you are able to give. But the focus here is the word “prognosis”. Investment banks and investment bankers are the mediator between an investor and a company when the company requires issuing of stock or bonds. The overall process seems simple, but requires a considerable amount of risk.
If you find yourself in a position of changing career paths or you are freshly graduated from finance school, then an additional investment banking training is essential. Learn more from other people’s practical experience and gain the much needed insights in order to jumpstart your stellar career.
Having taken an additional investment banking training can also provide you with a clearer vision in terms of which investment banking activity fits your professional profile best.